JetAudio is organic multimedia software made of a unique dense wheel. Not exclusive does it wit various music and video files, it also has features specified as CD execution, recording, and conversion to opposite file formats. You get the noesis to make your own Net programme by using JetCast, provided with JetAudio. Measure all great line formats, including WAV, MP3, MP3Pro, OGG, WMA, MPEG, AVI, WMV, Protocol, RM, and video and frequence CD tracks. Change among audio enter formats, and preserve parallel frequency to various formats. The schedule features image plug-ins, including Sound2Vision; tag editing for MP3, OGG, and WMA files; good personalty including comfortable, reverb, and x-bass; multichannel secure yield; glassy shift between two songs; a skinnable individual program; and synchronic lyrics demo (karaoke) for MIDI and MP3 files.
Likewise Audio/video playback and recording, You can also programme your own penalization through internet in MP3, OGG or WMA with jetCast. jetCast mixes penalization and mike signal, and broadcast it to auditor finished net.
- Supports All Stellar Enter Formats
- Video Transmutation
- Frequency CD hurting
- Recording
- Tag Redaction
- Multi-channel uninjured ouput
- Crossfade
- Skin
- Subtitles
- Internet CD Database
- Favourable album management & Listing
- Utilities
- Unlikely Someone
- Media Area Window
- Oftenness Conversion
- Oftenness CD Ripping
- Internet Medium
- Various vocalize effects
- Constant Check
- Change
- Synchronal Text (Karaoke)
- Consternation & Official
- Equalizer
- Superior Crystal-Clear Wholesome
- Toolbar fashion