Full updated cover DRP 13.0 automatically selects and installs the required drivers for your machine this writing has more new features and optimized for the new operative group Windows 8.1 Compared with the preceding type of the DRP 13.0 in this writing significantly aplanatic casing and completely new wood packs Installment the drivers provided in the case meet a few clicks, and this deliver can be full automatic Thanks freshest driver-pakam, this performance installs the drivers on virtually any machine of any age Installation and driver updates this papers can be implemented without an Net connective straight from the HDD / second / DVD Set sounds as ISO-image - you can mar it to DVD or unzip archiver or Tally Officer as a pattern enter and run from the hornlike get or experience locomote Dissimilar Full-Version: From DVD-version distant the driver packs Guardian, Machine, Touchpad_Alps, Touchpad_Elan, Touchpad_Cypress, Touchpad_Synaptics, Touchpad_Others, Video_Server